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Many thanks to Nathalie Buet and to FemmExpat, your everyday expatriation website, for this article. Indeed, doing business in the United States is a dream within everyone's reach. Nevertheless, you need to be prepared. Make sure that you understand every step of the way: choice of destination, visas, financial resources.... You'll find a lot of information in this article. Enjoy your reading!





Vanina Joulin-Batejat, Réussir aux USA: "The American dream still exists".
Many French people have had, or still have, the dream of succeeding in the USA. A sweet dream still referred to as the American dream, but with good reason? Vanina Joulin-Batejat's 15 years' experience in accompanying French-speaking entrepreneurs in the United States has led her to publish her advice in Réussir aux USA: "You need to be well prepared, validate cultural differences, have the right budget and project, and get the right support.

Centre presse Aveyron 2024

"A savvy and determined entrepreneur can make that American dream come true!" Nord-Aveyronnaise Vanina Joulin-Batejat gives her advice on setting up successfully in the USA”

AERO Morning

Si vous souhaitez vous expatrier aux USA avec votre conjoint.e, voici un site à visiter absolument. Pas parce que j’ai la chance d’y avoir écrit quelques articles mais parce que ce site existe depuis maintenant 23 ans, et est dédié aux expatries et à leur conjoint.e et leur famille. Un site qui fourmille d’information, que ce soit sur les visas, les assurances, la vie au quotidien, les défis pour tout…

Par ailleurs, pour garder le lien, pour favoriser des rencontres FemmExpat organise des ateliers en ligne, des cafés, des conférences  avec des partenaires et des Expats Coachs formés et experts. C’est aussi un groupe Facebook de plus de 7000 membres qui s’échangent des conseils tous les jours. Rejoignez-les !

Et voici un article qui devrait vous intéresser si vous souhaitez vous expatrier, travailler et vivre avec votre conjoint.e aux USA ! Bonne lecture.

Visa pour les conjoints aux USA (


Published by Gereso, Réussir aux USA provides a wealth of information for anyone thinking of starting a business, working or living in the United States, whether alone or with their family. Before "exporting", it's important to understand this vast country, its cultural differences, its history, its operating methods, how to set up a business... Above all, it's essential to leave with a project, know-how and sufficient financial capacity. This guide, written by Vanina Joulin-Batejat, aims to put an end to myths, preconceived ideas, false information and stereotypes of all kinds. 

Vanina Joulin-Batejat has lived in the United States for almost 20 years. She founded ReussirUSA, a consulting firm that helps French-speaking companies develop and export to the United States. A dual national, she assists future expatriates and their families in the process of moving to the United States.

See the full summary and download a free extract.

Reunion Leaders

The Guide Reussir aux USA in the press on Reunion Island

Leader Réunion is aimed primarily at those involved in production and trade: central food buyers, store managers, chain management teams, food manufacturers, and so on. A magazine read by business leaders and teachers alike, to help them go further in all countries, including the USA.

Elles Collectives Vanina Joulin-Batejat
Le Monde Vanina Joulin-Batejat
Entreprendre Reussir aux USA


French Morning
S'implanter aux USA Youtube
Flight_Club_Podcast Vanina ReussirUSA

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