In the News!

Tribune Les Echos the day after Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2025.
USA: what the Trump presidency could change for starting up a business in the USA Increased tariffs on imports, limits on investor and H-1B visas, lower corporate taxes... These are just some of President Trump's announcements that will impact foreign companies setting up in the USA
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Je ne peux que dire un grand merci à Valérie Parlan et Ouest France pour cet article extrêmement bien fait. Valérie a de plus, pris le temps de lire le livre Réussir aux USA avant de m’interroger. Merci beaucoup ! Je ne m’y attendais pas et c’est un beau cadeau paru en plus le jour de la fête Nationale !
Un article que vous pouvez retrouver sur Ouest France. Réussir aux USA ne s’improvise pas mais le rêve Américain existe toujours et tout entrepreneur bien préparé a la capacité de réussir sur ce marché et dans ce pays qui apportent tant !
Bonne lecture et vous pouvez également retrouver le livre dans toutes les libraires en France y compris Gereso, Dalloz, Cultura, la Fnac, Gibert, Mollat, Sciences Po librairie, Amazon et bien d’autres. Alors bonne lecture !!!

Published on Oct. 23, 2024 at 06:00Updated on Oct. 23, 2024 at 14:39
Vanina Joulin-Batejat has lived in the United States for almost 20 years. After extensive experience in French and international corporate management, where she supervised and supported the establishment of small and medium-sized businesses in France and Canada, she now offers cross-cultural training courses for managers wishing to startup a business and establish themselves in the US.
Vanina Joulin-Batejat wrote “Réussir aux USA” (Succeeding in the USA) with the aim of dispelling the myths and misconceptions associated with setting up in the USA, and to better prepare her readers.
Is the USA still a land of opportunity for entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurship is rooted in American culture. It's a mindset instilled in children by their parents and schools. Failure, synonymous with learning, is positive. These values run counter to those of France, where most people seek job security above all else.... Continue to the Echos website by clicking on the Echos Entrepreneurs logo
Many thanks to Nathalie Buet and to FemmExpat, your everyday expatriation website, for this article. Indeed, doing business in the United States is a dream within everyone's reach. Nevertheless, you need to be prepared. Make sure that you understand every step of the way: choice of destination, visas, financial resources.... You'll find a lot of information in this article. Enjoy your reading!
Vanina Joulin-Batejat, Réussir aux USA: "The American dream still exists".
Many French people have had, or still have, the dream of succeeding in the USA. A sweet dream still referred to as the American dream, but with good reason? Vanina Joulin-Batejat's 15 years' experience in accompanying French-speaking entrepreneurs in the United States has led her to publish her advice in Réussir aux USA: "You need to be well prepared, validate cultural differences, have the right budget and project, and get the right support.

"A savvy and determined entrepreneur can make that American dream come true!" Nord-Aveyronnaise Vanina Joulin-Batejat gives her advice on setting up successfully in the USA”
Si vous souhaitez vous expatrier aux USA avec votre conjoint.e, voici un site à visiter absolument. Pas parce que j’ai la chance d’y avoir écrit quelques articles mais parce que ce site existe depuis maintenant 23 ans, et est dédié aux expatries et à leur conjoint.e et leur famille. Un site qui fourmille d’information, que ce soit sur les visas, les assurances, la vie au quotidien, les défis pour tout…
Par ailleurs, pour garder le lien, pour favoriser des rencontres FemmExpat organise des ateliers en ligne, des cafés, des conférences avec des partenaires et des Expats Coachs formés et experts. C’est aussi un groupe Facebook de plus de 7000 membres qui s’échangent des conseils tous les jours. Rejoignez-les !
Et voici un article qui devrait vous intéresser si vous souhaitez vous expatrier, travailler et vivre avec votre conjoint.e aux USA ! Bonne lecture.
Published by Gereso, Réussir aux USA provides a wealth of information for anyone thinking of starting a business, working or living in the United States, whether alone or with their family. Before "exporting", it's important to understand this vast country, its cultural differences, its history, its operating methods, how to set up a business... Above all, it's essential to leave with a project, know-how and sufficient financial capacity. This guide, written by Vanina Joulin-Batejat, aims to put an end to myths, preconceived ideas, false information and stereotypes of all kinds.
Vanina Joulin-Batejat has lived in the United States for almost 20 years. She founded ReussirUSA, a consulting firm that helps French-speaking companies develop and export to the United States. A dual national, she assists future expatriates and their families in the process of moving to the United States.
See the full summary and download a free extract.

The Guide Reussir aux USA in the press on Reunion Island
Leader Réunion is aimed primarily at those involved in production and trade: central food buyers, store managers, chain management teams, food manufacturers, and so on. A magazine read by business leaders and teachers alike, to help them go further in all countries, including the USA.

Radio station for French expats around the world. If you haven't heard it yet, you're listening to the wrong radio. More seriously, it's the radio station for expatriates’ “par excellence”, and it's the radio station that will make you love France with new eyes.
Whether you're looking to embark on a little adventure abroad, expatriate or set up your own business abroad, this is the radio station to listen to for testimonials, real-life experiences and information that will definitely come in handy.
I had the honor of being interviewed by Gauthier SEYS (former Regional Director Europe 2, Dir comm Contact FM, editor-in-chief of GrandLille TV...). A great honor.
Above is the link to the interview, which I hope, will inspire you to make your dreams come true and give you the first answers to your questions if you want to set up or move to the USA.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to tell you that I have been delighted to meet you at the Maison de l'Occitanie on Thursday May 16th 2024 during the Festival des Auteurs Francophones in New York. I was happy to answer any questions you had, should you be tempted by the American adventure.
Enjoy listening to this amazing radio! Vanina

Never be afraid to dare!
Many thanks to Laurence Fez Renaudin, serial entrepreneur, columnist on Radio Star Toulon, sparkling author with a passion for life, optimistic shrink.
When Laurence asked me to take part in her podcast, I couldn't refuse. We were at the Festival Rencontre des Auteurs Francophones in New York.
Why couldn't I say no? Because if you want to find passion, a daily dose of optimism, or new experiences from people who will help you discover new horizons, then listen to her podcast, which you can find on all platforms, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Deezer, and many others. Happy listening!
We're off to the USA with our guest, Vanina Joulin Batejat, whom we meet as part of our partnership with Racines Sud, les Occitans dans le monde. Vanina talks about her career and her new book "Réussir aux Etats Unis". Vanina looks back on her time in Aveyron, her studies in Paris, her work as a business lawyer in a law firm, then her adventures in Colorado and Canada before settling in the USA, where she obtained her green card in 2007. For all those who want to develop their business in Uncle Sam's country, Vanina gives advice on how to prepare, set up and develop your business. Writing the right business plan, setting up in the right state with the right visas, what you need to know or do is in "Succeeding in the USA"! . To find out more about our guest