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White Earth

My journey


Serial Entrepreneur - Coach 


In this photo, we had just taken the oath and had become Americans in addition to being French. My daughter was born in the USA and was already American and French. After obtaining the green card or permanent visa, we applied for the citizenship and six years later, to the day after we set foot on American soil, we took the oath. A great moment of happiness. A new life. Dual culture.

Of French origin, I speak English and French fluently. Bicultural and with dual nationality, I have lived in the United States for almost 20 years after also living in Canada. I have demonstrated my expertise as an international legal advisor and entrepreneur in France as well as in Canada and the United States.

Founder of the company USAFrance, LLC, I have assisted and coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and managers to successfully establish themselves with their families in the United States. Since 2008, I have also led intercultural seminars in international companies, notably Essilor, Bio Mérieux, Thales, Airbus, etc.



Writing has always been a semi-dormant passion. I became a lawyer, an international legal advisor and then an entrepreneur because I had always been told that there were many called and few chosen in the field of writing, which remains an art.

This passion has caught up with me and I hope with the books that I am going to offer whether they are professional guides and/or semi-fictional novels that I can provide knowledge, encourage a desire to live your own dreams and fight for your convictions.

Looking forward to coaching you, meeting you during a seminar or through your reading.

Vanina J.B.

US citizenship
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